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Reference: www.ag.gov.au
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Getting married overseas

For information on getting married overseas please contact the Embassy or other diplomatic mission of the country concerned. If that country requires you to get a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage, contact the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on (02) 6261 3015.

For more information, please visit the Smart Traveller website.

Can I sign up the Notic of Intended Marriage in overseas?


Can we apply the shortening time of marriage?
Train in the Woods

Shortening of time (English)

Shortening of Time

It is possible to shorten the minimum notice time for a marriage to less than a month if the special circumstances set out in the Marriage Regulations 1963 are met. You will need to approach a Prescribed Authority for approval. eg for Brisbane:

Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Brisbane QLD

Addess: 110 George St, Brisbane city.

For appointment: 1300 366 430

Email: bdm-mail@justice.qld.gov.au

Prescribed authorities (usually at your Local Court or Registry officials) can shorten the required period of notice if they are satisfied that the circumstances prescribed in the Regulations are met.

Making a complaint

A mechanism has been developed to deal with complaints against marriage celebrants. If a complaint is found to be justified, sanctions may include a caution, a requirement that further professional development be undertaken, up to six (6) months suspension or deregistration.

Marriage celebrants have a right to be advised of a complaint against them and to put whatever material they think appropriate to the Registrar in their defence.

What can we do if we have concerns about our marriage celebrant?

If you have a concern about the service you have received from a marriage celebrant in relation to your wedding you may make a complaint.  If you have any concerns you should discuss them with the celebrant first but if you are not able to do this, or believe your complaint requires further consideration, there is a special procedure set out in the Marriage Regulations to enable complaints concerning the performance of marriage celebrants to be responded to. The following information outlines the initial process to be followed.

The complaint must be in writing and made to:

The Registrar of Marriage Celebrants
Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department
3-5 National Circuit

Not all complaints will be accepted but if the Registrar decides to deal with the complaint you will be asked to provide any additional material you wish to provide in support of the complaint.  This may include signed statements or statutory declarations from witnesses.  The material must be in writing.  The Registrar may also seek additional information from you if necessary.

If the Registrar does not receive such a statement the complaint cannot proceed and will be terminated.  No complaint will be recorded.

For Family Relationship Service Providers

This page provides key information and resources for those working in the Family Relationship Services, in government agencies, as researchers and potential service providers.

Please note: The information on these pages is not likely to be relevant for the general public. For information about services and advice for families, please see Family Relationships Online.

Some of the resources listed on the following pages are available only on request due to being commercial-in-confidence, privacy issues or are suitable only for practitioners. To receive a copy of a document please send an e-mail to FROhelp@fahcsia.gov.au specifying which document you are seeking and a short explanation of why you need access to it.

Family Dispute Resolution
Information for both current FDR practitioners and those wishing to apply for registration. The section also contains FAQs and documents for download.

Family Relationship Centre Resources
Information for those working and managing Family Relationship Centres.

Family Relationship Advice Line Information
Information for those working on the Advice Line.

Family Pathways Network
The Family Pathways Network is a coordinated network for professionals operating within the Family Law system.

Family Relationship Services Research and Evaluation
A summary of research and evaluation documents and information on current projects.

Useful Links for Family Relationship Service Providers
This page has useful links, particularly to other related Australian Government websites.

Family Relationship Counsellors

Family Counsellors can download the document:

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